- Accting
- ACCTING’s Final Conference
- Advisory board
- Consortium
- Contact
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- Inspiring initiatives
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- Legal notice
- Media kit
- Newsletter
- Open Studios
- Pilot actions
- Privacy policy
- Project deliverables
- Project news
- Recommendations
- Related projects
- Research agendas
- Research lines
- Research line 1: Local knowledge and disaster management
- Research line 2: Biodiversity and land use restrictions
- Research line 3: Energy communities
- Research line 4: Energy-efficiency measures in SMEs
- Research line 5: Food access in vulnerable communities
- Research line 6: Values associated with food
- Research line 7: Transport poverty
- Research line 8: Sustainable mobility
- Selected pilot projects
- “Todas en bici” – Connecting cycling activism with social justice struggles
- Dialogue & Action Against Wildfires: Empowering Communities for Disaster Resilience
- Echoversity – an innovative participatory biodiversity conservation project
- Edu Move: Boosting bike use in suburban Tirana (Albania)
- Food4Schools: A toolkit to inspire healthy and sustainable food initiatives in schools
- InclusivECs awards: encouraging the inclusion of vulnerable groups in energy communities
- Mapko Connects Community Gardens
- School goes green
- Supporting Roma micro-entrepreneurs in Albania towards better environmental sustainability
- Uključi se! (Get involved!): supporting green initiatives
- Sitemap
- TEST Greece page
- The project
Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Better Stories: The Right to the Cycling City
- Co-creating Inclusive Climate Adaptation Solutions: ACCTING at EURESFO
- Tackling food security with agroecology: Insights from the Agroecology Meeting in Turkey
- ACCTING Webinar: Building resilience to natural disasters
- Webinar: Strengthening food security through gender+ inclusive and sustainable small-scale farming
- Building a civil society in solidarity with marginalized groups for greater social impact
- Ensuring an Inclusive Farm to Fork Strategy: ACCTING Policy Brief #2
- ACCTING’s agenda for future research
- First meeting with the ten ACCTING pilot projects
- Marginalised communities’ access to healthy and sustainable food: Stories from Thessaloniki
- ACCTING Policy Brief #1: For an inclusive and socially just European Green Deal
- ACCTING Factsheet: Local is beautiful
- ACCTING Factsheet: Inclusive civil society for an inclusive Green Deal
- ACCTING Factsheet: Empowering employees to help mitigate Climate Change – A business-employees alliance promoting behavioural change towards achieving Green Deal goals
- ACCTING Factsheet: Inspiration for Corporate Social Responsibility policies
- ACCTING Factsheet: Promoting access to healthy and environmentally friendly food for the marginalised and vulnerable
- Pilot projects Q&A webinars
- Apply to implement a project on stimulating volunteers for climate change initiatives!
- Apply to implement a project on inspiring healthy and sustainable food initiatives in schools
- Apply to implement a project on empowering adolescents through internship opportunities at NGOs working on social justice in relation to the Green Deal!
- Apply to implement a project on connecting cycling activism with social justice struggles!
- Apply to implement a project on developing and testing sustainable mobility solutions for schools in peripheral areas!
- Apply to implement a project on developing an exchange platform between actors involved with community gardens or agrifood systems!
- Apply to implement a project on supporting micro-entrepreneurs to achieve more environmentally sustainable businesses!
- Apply to implement a project on recognising outstanding efforts to mainstream inclusivity in energy communities!
- Apply to implement a project on engaging citizens to document the biodiversity crisis!
- Apply to implement a project on engaging local communities to ensure improved disaster responses!
- Apply for 32K € to implement a project that ensures an inclusive Green Deal!
- What does gender+ mean?
- How can we plan sustainable agri-urban systems in an urbanised world?
- Findings from inspiring bottom-up initiatives
- What does bottom-up mean?
- Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING to hold its first Open Studios
- What does circular economy mean?
- What does transport poverty mean?
- What does behavioural change mean?
- Sustainability Transformation: What Does it Mean?
- How values drive sustainable food choices and inclusivity towards a more just European Green Deal
- Can energy-efficiency measures support micro and small entrepreneurs to deal with climate change mitigation and spiralling energy costs?
- How can we achieve sustainable urban mobility for all? Identifying challenges and envisioning inclusive solutions
- For a Better Story of Gender+ Research: Feminist Methodologies with Professor Joni Seager
- What is ‘transport poverty’? How can we achieve a more just and sustainable transport system?
- Access to healthy and sustainable food: a challenge for different vulnerable groups in Europe
- Energy Communities & Energy Poverty
- Join the Green Deal Arena to co-create a fair & sustainable Europe
- Balancing environmental stewardship with the needs and practices of local communities
- Vulnerable communities to deal with old and new natural disasters
- Introducing ACCTING’s research lines
- What makes the ACCTING project distinctive?
- Category: Case studies
- Category: Countries
- Category: Austria
- Category: Belgium
- Fighting food waste and food insecurity
- Empowering mobility for people with disabilities
- A rural lifeline transforming villages in Belgium
- Sustainable Mobility in Ghent, Belgium
- ACCTING Narrative: Challenges linked to mobility for a single mother of three
- ACCTING Narrative: Considerations on eating patterns and sustainability
- ACCTING Narrative: When the energy crisis leads to a change of business model
- A holistic approach to public spaces
- A creative solution for social interaction, and mobility
- From citizens’ initiative to energy cooperative
- Helping people and the environment move forward
- Towards renewable forms of energy
- Category: Brazil
- Category: Bulgaria
- Category: Croatia
- Category: Czech Republic
- Category: Denmark
- Category: Finland
- Category: France
- Category: Germany
- Category: Greece
- Category: Hungary
- Category: Ireland
- Category: Italy
- Category: Lithuania
- Category: Netherlands
- Category: Norway
- Category: Poland
- Category: Portugal
- Category: Serbia
- Category: Spain
- Category: Turkey
- Category: UK
- Category: USA
- Category: Events
- SAVE THE DATE: ACCTING’s Final Conference
- Online webinar: Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures
- ACCTING Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding
- Towards a fair and inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING Panel at Green Digital Accessibility 2024
- ACCTING seminar on Feminist Methodologies
- Category: Inspiring initiative
- Providing free regional transportation for rural citizens
- SoulRiders: using cycling to tackle inequalities
- Oslo as an age-friendly city
- An electric bus for senior citizens in the Netherlands
- Inclusive bike access and cycling education
- Category: Biodiversity
- Indigenous Women’s Movement of the Xingu Indigenous Reservation Association
- The development of the agri-food and socio-economic model
- An economic and cultural socio-ecosystem connecting the countryside and the city
- An intersectional environmental justice initiative
- Enhancing the community’s quality of life
- Mobilising the community to overcome crises
- The Experimental Housing: Working towards a more sustainable use of resources
- A platform to stop ecological destruction
- An ambitious vision for the largest protected area in Italy
- Category: Clean Energy
- ACCTING Narrative: A micro-enterprise pursuing energy saving and recycling
- ACCTING Narrative: There cannot be a better place for me to live than here
- ACCTING Narrative: For clearer, more efficient community energy schemes
- Unlocking independence and integration for refugees
- Rethinking production and consumption
- Community-owned Wind Turbines for regional development
- Energy saving checks to reduce poverty
- Environmentally friendly energy production
- An emblematic example of combining agriculture and energy
- An innovative green municipality
- Category: Climate Action
- ACCTING Narrative: Contributing to tackling environmental disasters
- Social resilience in primary schools
- Fighting for a green future
- Bringing volunteers together for civil protection
- From an abandoned hospital to a Climate Justice Center and Movement School
- A community network to observe the impact of floods
- A voluntary system of civil defence in Florence
- Category: Farm to Fork
- ACCTING Narrative: Economic struggles and access to sustainable food
- ACCTING Narrative: Self-reliance and connecting with nature
- ACCTING Narrative: Loving nature, living from the nature
- Seeds of transformation: Empowering communities through green jobs and food justice
- Training Roma people to move them out of their deprived situation
- Connecting people living in urban cities and the ones in agricultural areas
- Indigenous knowledge to nourish, heal and restore
- Major strides to break the cycle of deep poverty in Turkey
- The economic empowerment of women victims of violence
- The Road to Empowering Roma Women
- A queer-owned progressive land
- Gender equality in the fisheries Sector
- Category: Food Security
- Category: Narratives
- Category: Sustainable Mobility
- Category: Non classé
- Category: Project news
- Call for Better Art Stories: Submit your artwork to inspire positive change
- Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING’s final Open Studios
- Co-creating solutions for an inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING’s next set of Open Studios
- Call for ACCTING’s pilot projects soon open!
- Launch of ACCTING: AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal