MeerMobiel is a comprehensive online platform that simplifies transportation for people with disabilities across the Flemish and Brussels regions of Belgium.
Sustainable Mobility
Empowering seniors through innovative mobility solutions
The SOULMATE project addresses mobility challenges faced by elderly individuals through innovative technology.
A rural lifeline transforming villages in Belgium
Dorpspunt (village point) is an inspiring initiative bringing services, community connection, and sustainable mobility to rural villages in Belgium.
Sustainable Mobility in Ghent, Belgium
De Fietsambassade (‘The Bicycle Embassy’) is an inspiring initiative in the city of Ghent, Belgium, fostering a culture of cycling while making sustainable transport accessible to all.
ACCTING Narrative: A new kind of mobility in Portugal
Daily bike trains to school were the triggering event to develop a new kind of mobility in Portugal
ACCTING Narrative: An educator with two children fights for a change of values
The impact of climate change and the capacity to mitigate its negative impacts are unevenly distributed across and within societies; it is the poorer, marginalised and vulnerable groups who are the most acutely affected. ACCTING has collected 358 narratives via...
ACCTING Narrative: Challenges linked to mobility for a single mother of three
Mobility options for a single mother with three children.
Providing free regional transportation for rural citizens
“Linava” is the Lithuanian national association of motor carriers. One of their initiatives is to encourage the members of the association to provide free regional transportation for rural citizens,
SoulRiders: using cycling to tackle inequalities
SoulRiders is a community-led charitable organisation based in the south-side of Glasgow, Scotland. They use bikes to tackle inequalities, especially related to ethnicity, and overcome loneliness by bringing diverse communities together.
Oslo as an age-friendly city
As life expectancy continues to rise, the Nordic region is seeing a steady increase in an ageing population. The municipality of Oslo, Norway, initiated a series of action to make the city more age friendly.

Bring a poster to ACCTING’s Final Conference!
We are thrilled to invite poster abstract submissions for ACCTING’s Final Conference, “Empowering Change: Building a Fair and Inclusive read more

ACCTING project meeting: shaping the project’s final phase
The ACCTING project team gathered in Vienna for two days of in-depth discussions and workshops as we approach the final phase of the project. read more

SAVE THE DATE: ACCTING’s Final Conference
As the ACCTING project nears its conclusion, we’re thrilled to announce our Final Conference on 29 April 2025 at La Tricoterie in Brussels! read more

Call for Better Art Stories: Submit your artwork to inspire positive change
Join us in using art to inspire positive environmental and social transformations! Submit your artwork by 17 March 2025. read more

Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING’s final Open Studios
ACCTING Open Studios are workshops where participants come together to dive deep into specific topics related to the Green Deal. The ... read more

Online webinar: Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures
Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures Watch the replay! Vulnerable groups are significantly more impacted by the ... read more

Co-creating solutions for an inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING’s next set of Open Studios
As ACCTING continues to explore how the European Green Deal and its associated policies impact vulnerable groups, the project is ... read more

ACCTING Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding
Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding Online webinar on Tuesday 1 October 2024 11.00 - 12.30 CEST read more

Towards a fair and inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING Panel at Green Digital Accessibility 2024
Green Digital Accessibility 2024 Bridging Sustainability and Accessibilityin the Green Transition: Future Transformations in the ... read more

Co-creating Inclusive Climate Adaptation Solutions: ACCTING at EURESFO
In June ACCTING participated in the 11th European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) in Valencia, Spain, the 2024 European Green Capital. read more
Keep up to date with the latest project news, developments, and results.