For a fair and inclusive Green Deal

ACCTING (AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal) produces knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal.


New policy recommendations

ACCTING has produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding and mitigating the effects of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups.

Our goals


experimental studies
in 13 countries

interviews with individuals
from vulnerable groups

inspiring practices
from 34 countries



Our goals

research lines

interviews with individuals from vulnerable groups

policy recommendations

experimental studies in 13 countries

inspiring practices from 34 countries

pilot actions

Our actions



the impact of Green Deal policy initiatives on individual and collective behaviours



policymakers to anticipate and mitigate the potential negative impacts of policies on inequalities


Co-creatively design

and implement pilot actions
to be deployed by policymakers and stakeholders in the policy domains of the Green Deal

Latest news

Co-creating Inclusive Climate Adaptation Solutions: ACCTING at EURESFO

Co-creating Inclusive Climate Adaptation Solutions: ACCTING at EURESFO

In June ACCTING participated in the 11th European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) in Valencia, Spain, the 2024 European Green Capital. EURESFO is a collaborative initiative by the European Environment Agency and ACCTING project partner ICLEI Europe. The 2024 edition, held during the Valencia Cities Climate Week, brought together representatives from cities and regions across Europe to discuss climate resilience and sustainable urban development. 

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