Apply to implement a project on developing an exchange platform between actors involved with community gardens or agrifood systems!

Jul 13, 2023Blog

“Garden BnB ”


Are you an NGO or an existing network of urban gardens aiming to improve visibility, access, connections and practices in the field of sustainable and inclusive urban agriculture? 

ACCTING is funding 10 innovative projects on specific topics that have high potential to reduce or prevent inequalities and negative impacts related to the Green Deal on poorer, marginalised and vulnerable groups. Up to €32,000 per pilot will be awarded – subject to costs motivation from applying parties – for projects which should last up to 12 months. The call for organisations to implement these projects is open until 8. September 2023.  

The pilot action Garden BnB – An exchange platform between actors involved with community gardens or agrifood systems seeks to develop a broad network of urban community garden actors (and prospects) that comes together on a living exchange platform. The goal is to establish and strengthen links between different actors / networks of community gardens, to facilitate the sharing of resources including knowledge between them, and to include new actors interested in starting such practices. This initiative will actively involve vulnerable groups, while also building a shared repository of knowledge to support ongoing development and growth. 

For this specific call, we are looking for not-for-profit organisations (NGOs, civil society organisations, associations…) or existing networks of urban gardens.  

Under this call, applicants are required to have also documented and proven experience in the following areas:  

  • Recognised active concern about community development processes involving urban farming / gardening, with an intersectional gender+ approach;
  • Experience working in partnerships and networks;
  • Possession of an extensive network of organisations centred around urban / community gardens; 
  • Communication skills, mainly involving vulnerable populations.
 Read the call details and application procedure

Learn more about all calls for pilot projects on the Pilot actions page, in areas such as Biodiversity, Climate Action, Energy, Mobility and Food.

Let’s work together to improve the world of urban agriculture and create a more sustainable and inclusive future. Submit your application now!

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