School goes green
“School goes green” is a project led by Per esempio, in response to ACCTING’s call for pilots Cultivating changemakers. This call aims to engage adolescents in activism related to Green Deal issues.
Per esempio is a non-profit organisation based in Palermo Italy, aimed at reinforcing social cohesion and creating equal opportunities for young people, adults and professionals through education and training.

The project aims to promote the active engagement and participation of young people in the local territory, learning by practicing a healthy, equal and sustainable lifestyle, as well as contributing to the impact of the hosting associations involved.
Activities will be implemented in Palermo with the active collaboration of the Liceo Regina Margherita highschool and addressed to students between 14 and 17 years old.
- At least 20 volunteering experiences will be made available to students of the Regina Margherita highschool. These will last at least 10 days (20h minimum) and will be implemented between June and August 2024 among the local organisations of Per esempio’s network.
- Volunteering opportunities will be promoted locally and within the highschool thanks to the involvement of the student committee (Sindacato).
- A school event will be organised to share and celebrate the outcomes of the volunteering activities undertaken by students. The aim si to sharethe achievements of participants and inspire other young people and families to open up toward sustainable lifestyle and volunteering.
Expected impact
The project will directly involve at least 150 students attending the infoday, with 20 taking part in the volunteering activities themselves. Expected impacts include students’ increased participation in school and/or local activities; improved knowledge of local opportunities and resources; promotion of a more sustainable lifestyle.