Apply to implement a project on engaging local communities to ensure improved disaster responses!

Jul 13, 2023Blog

“Next time better and more inclusive”


Are you an NGO from the environmental sector or a local authority from a region affected by a disaster, working on mitigating disaster risks and enhancing preparedness for such events? 

ACCTING is funding 10 innovative projects on specific topics that have high potential to reduce or prevent inequalities and negative impacts related to the Green Deal on poorer, marginalised and vulnerable groups. Up to €32,000 per pilot will be awarded – subject to costs motivation from applying parties – for projects which should last up to 12 months. The call for organisations to implement these projects is open until 8. September 2023.  

The pilot action “Next time better and more inclusive” – Engaging local communities to ensure improved disaster responses aims to facilitate participants in co-creating a scenario for managing a disaster using a bottom-up approach that involves all stakeholders, including citizens. The goal is to inform and induce behavioral change among actors from local communities as well as authorities. This pilot project will be implemented in a region that has recently experienced a sudden disaster. The objective is to reduce the risk of similar disasters in the future and improve disaster preparedness. 

To be eligible, applicants must be located in the European Union or in one of the Horizon Europe Associated Countries. For this specific call, eligible to apply are NGOs from the environmental sector, but also local authorities from a region affected by disaster, or a combination of both.

Applicants must make sure they will have the necessary expertise or possible access to expertise, including: 

  • Scientific expertise or scientific reports linked to the disaster and the territory.
  • Capacity to reach and involve stakeholders.
  • Capacity to reach and involve diverse groups, particularly vulnerable groups, in the co-creation process of scenarios and solutions.
  • Expertise to manage a co-creation process (participatory techniques
 Read the call details and application procedure

Learn more about all calls for pilot projects on the Pilot actions page, in areas such as Biodiversity, Climate Action, Energy, Mobility and Food.

Seize the opportunity to create a lasting impact! Submit your application today and let’s collaborate towards building a sustainable future. 

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