From an abandoned hospital to a Climate Justice Center and Movement School

Apr 17, 2023Climate Action, Inspiring initiative, Spain

Photo: Casa dels Futurs


ACCTING aims to understand the impact of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, prevent inequalities, and produce knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change at individual and collective levels for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal. This bottom-up initiative was collected by Blanca Callen Moreu within ACCTING’s mapping of inspiring practice cases, within the Climate Action research Line. Read our report on all 693 mapped initiatives.


Casa dels Futurs, Spain



Building solidarity and cooperation in times of climate crisis

Casa dels Futurs is a Spanish initiative aiming to save the planet and catalyze the transition to climate-resilient communities by building an educational and physical infrastructure to further reinforce social and ecological movements.

Getting climate-ready

The volunteer-led project focuses on converting Barcelona’s abandoned Hospital Sant Llatzer into a Climate Justice Center and Movement School to provide a cornerstone for tackling climate issues and thriving for a healthier planet. The inclusive approach adopted by the organisation will increase the participants’ understanding of the causes of climate change. Therefore, communities will transition to a more sustainable lifestyle and green economies by taking appropriate actions and acquiring the required values and skills. Casa dels Futurs will achieve this through focusing on the following objectives:

 (1) Climate Resilience: creating a model of large-scale infrastructure that reduces ecological impact while building climate resilience. The project also offers an encouraging example of engaging local knowledge, traditional crafts, and community-driven solutions to respond and adapt to the impacts of climate crisis.

(2) Building Knowledge: building a home for a Movement School that can stimulate social solutions addressing the main causes of climate change. Besides, the initiative builds a community of changer-makers intending to fight for diverse movements such as decolonial, ecofeminist, and anti-racist practices for mutual aid.

(3) Global Solidarity: developing infrastructure to support long-term and international organisations for social and ecological movements. The project prioritizes communities that have been negatively impacted by the crisis such as economic refuges and at-risk environmental defenders.

Find out more here.

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