Supporting Roma micro-entrepreneurs in Albania towards better environmental sustainability
“Supporting Roma micro-entrepreneurs in Albania towards better environmental sustainability” is a project led by the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania, in response to ACCTING’s call for pilots Hands-on small-scale support for vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs. This call aims to encourage vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs to make their businesses environmentally conscious and support them in achieving environmental sustainability.
The Institute of Romani Culture in Albania (IRCA) supports social inclusion and economic empowerment of vulnerable communities in Albania, with a special focus on Roma minority, returnees, refugees and asylum-seekers, persons with disabilities and orphans.
The project will be implemented in three localities in Albania with a high concentration of Roma members: Tirana, Berat and Fier. The main target group of the project are Roma micro-entrepreneurs in the sectors of agriculture, recycling and second hand clothes selling.

The project will encourage Roma micro-entrepreneurs in Tirana, Fier and Berat to consider the benefits of developing environmentally aware companies and the impact they can have on the environment and society on the one hand, and the success of their own business and reputation on the other. Micro-entrepreneurs will be provided with guidance, training, and an online networking platform, while the three best initiatives will be rewarded with prizes.
- Promoting broader dissemination and raising awareness among Roma micro-entrepreneurs
in particular and other micro-entrepreneurs in general to consider the benefits of developing
environmentally aware companies. - Providing capacity building and tailored support to Roma micro-entrepreneurs on green economy.
- Connecting vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs with other businesses to share competences and practices, co-learning and creating a community of likeminded entrepreneurs.
- Promoting best practices to motivate other micro-entrepreneur
Expected impact
The project creates the opportunity for the central and local governments to understand the impact of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups through addressing all the current shortcomings and bottlenecks identified during the project implementation, thus contributing on improving policies, regulations, and institutional functioning, while introducing new standards and regulatory frameworks that guarantee support for vulnerable groups.