ACCTING Factsheet: Inclusive civil society for an inclusive Green Deal

Oct 9, 2023Blog, Project news

Towards a civil society with greater social impact, in solidarity with vulnerable groups 

Non-governmental organisations play a key role in the formation and implementation of European Green Deal polices. They hold expertise in climate change, environmental issues, social justice and sustainable development issues. They work on the ground, locally and in solidarity with local communities, with and for vulnerable groups, representing their voices and interests. In doing so, they enjoy more public trust than governments, corporations, and the media. NGOs’ participation in climate change negotiations is significant:  they provide policymakers and decision-makers with expertise, and they provide legitimacy to environmental governance. However, not all NGOs have successfully embedded democratic legitimacy in their organisation and actions, diversity in their governance structures and issues, and accountability of the organisation. For the Green Deal to be just and inclusive, it is crucial for civil society organisations to be inclusive, fully reflecting the diversity of the population and stakeholders.

In this new factsheet, ACCTING develops recommendations for civil society organisations to become more inclusive.

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