Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING to hold its first Open Studios

Mar 8, 2023Blog, Project news

The ACCTING project is divided into two cycles, which include in-depth research, leading to a collaborative elaboration of solutions during the Open Studios, further developed in the form of policy recommendations, pilot actions and research agendas.

As ACCTING’s first project cycle is coming to an end soon, the team is organising the first set of Open Studios, taking place in March and April 2023.


A multidisciplinary approach to creativity


The Open Studios represent an innovative technique developed to design policies or social innovations in a participative way, bringing together a wide diversity of participants and methods to ensure creative and innovative outputs. Find out more about the approach we’ve developed.


Developing solutions linked to ACCTING research


This first set of Open Studios will develop concrete ideas and solutions based on the insights gathered during the first research cycle, each OS aiming to answer questions raised in ACCTING’s research lines:

  • Open Studio 1 Healthy and Sustainable Food Consumption: Reaching and Including Vulnerable Groups
  • Open Studio 2 Sustainable Energy and Just Transition: Better Stories of Inclusive Solutions from the Individual to the Collective
  • Open Studio 3 Bringing Local and Indigenous Knowledge into Practice: Better Stories of Preserving Biodiversity and Mitigating Disasters
  • Open Studio 4 Transport Poverty and Sustainable Mobilities: Including Vulnerable Families in Green Transport Solutions

Findings and ideas developed during the Open Studios will be integrated in future project outputs. 
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Co-creating Inclusive Climate Adaptation Solutions: ACCTING at EURESFO

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