ACCTING seminar on Feminist Methodologies

Sep 5, 2022Events, Project news

ACCTING is organising an online seminar which aims to explore the ways in which feminist methodologies will improve research, as well as policy directions and outcomes, in the context of the Green Deal and beyond. It is meant to provide practical guidance on how our research in ACCTING, The Shared Green Deal, PHOENIX and Real Deal can benefit from intersectional/gender+ feminist methods. 

9 September, 15:00-17:00 CET  




  • Joni Seager, Professor of Global Studies, Bentley University, Boston 
  • Ayşe Gül Altinay, Professor of Anthropology and former Director of Sabancı University Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excelence (SU Gender), Istanbul



  • 15:00 – Intro: “Better Stories of Transforming Scientific Practice with Feminist Methodologies”, Ayşe Gül Altınay
  • 15:15 – “Feminist Methodologies”, Joni Seager
  • 16:00 – Breakout rooms
  • 16:20 – Reflections and questions, Ayşe Gül Altınay & Esin Düzel & Plenary discussion
  • 17:00 – End



Dr. Joni Seager is a feminist geographer and environmentalist. She has worked in environment and  development fields for many years to bring gender perspectives into global environmental policy  and assessment. Dr. Seager has provided leadership for governments and multilateral agencies across a wide range of projects on development, climate change, and gender and environment. The UN has brought her on board on many occasions to help bring gender analysis to their environmental policies and programs. Among her recent work she served as the Lead Author for the UN Environment Programme’s project to produce the first gender-based ‘state of the global environment’ synthesis (Global Gender Environmental Outlook); in 2018-19, she was senior methodologist and field director for a multinational gender and waste project in Mongolia, Bhutan, and Nepal; in 2020, she directed a World Wildlife Foundation project on gender, conservation, and community wildlife management in Namibia and Madagascar; since then, she has been deeply involved in bringing gender analysis into work to curb illegal wildlife trafficking.  She is also well known for her work on developing feminist data visualization to illuminate the international status of women. Her atlas on the global status of women, The Women’s Atlas was just released in its 5th edition.  Former Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada, Dr. Seager is now the Goldman Distinguished Professor of Arts & Sciences at Bentley University in Boston, USA.     

Ayşe Gül Altinay is professor of Anthropology and former Director of Sabancı University Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excellence (SU Gender), Istanbul. She leads the Sabancı University team in the ACCTING project. Having published extensively on militarism, gender-based violence and gendered memories of war and political violence, Altınay’s current research focuses on feminist+ solidarity and transformative activism. Among her recent books are Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence (co-edited with Andrea Petö, Routledge, 2018) and Women Mobilizing Memory (co-edited with Maria Jose Contreras, Marianne Hirsch, Jean Howard, Banu Karaca and Alisa Solomon, Columbia University Press, 2019). Besides ACCTING, she is engaged in two other Horizon 2020 projects: GEARING Roles (SwafS – Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES) and RESISTIRÉ (RESpondIng to outbreakS through co-creaTIve inclusive equality stRatEgies).    


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