The pilot action “Food Everywhere Toolkit – Inspiring healthy and sustainable food initiatives in schools” aims to develop a set of tools and resources to inspire, motivate and assist teachers, principals, students, people working in various jobs within schools, and potentially also parents, to launch initiatives at their school in which healthy and sustainable food is available everywhere in the school and becomes part of its core values. The main objective is to increase the number of schools prioritizing healthy and sustainable food, promoting a shift in children and families’ behavior towards adopting environmentally sustainable diets.
Apply to implement a project on empowering adolescents through internship opportunities at NGOs working on social justice in relation to the Green Deal!
The pilot action, Cultivating Changemakers: Youth Empowerment through activism – Internship opportunities for school students at NGOs working on social justice in relation to the Green Deal, aims to empower students and inspire them to create positive change in their community through fostering a transformative shift in the attitudes and behaviours regarding the Green Deal and sustainable practices. Through this funding opportunity, the objective is to support projects that engage students in sustainability-focused activities, foster leadership skills, and encourage environmental consciousness.
Apply to implement a project on connecting cycling activism with social justice struggles!
The pilot action “Wheels for Justice” – Connecting cycling activism with social justice struggles, aims to connect cycling activism with social justice struggles through identifying innovative approaches to expand the reach and impact of cycling, making it more accessible and inclusive. The objective is to celebrate and share successful initiatives in inclusive cycling, while also advocating for actions to address the obstacles encountered during this process.
Apply to implement a project on developing and testing sustainable mobility solutions for schools in peripheral areas!
The pilot action, “Green to school: sustainable commutes” – Developing and testing sustainable mobility solutions for schools in peripheral areas, aims to promote sustainable transportation choices in schools located in peripheral areas. This involves encouraging civil society organizations, schools, and parents to collaborate in making the school journey more sustainable. By working together, you can develop and test innovative ideas that will inspire students and their families to embrace sustainable mobility options.
Apply to implement a project on developing an exchange platform between actors involved with community gardens or agrifood systems!
The pilot action Garden BnB – An exchange platform between actors involved with community gardens or agrifood systems seeks to develop a broad network of urban community garden actors (and prospects) that comes together on a living exchange platform. The goal is to establish and strengthen links between different actors / networks of community gardens, to facilitate the sharing of resources including knowledge between them, and to include new actors interested in starting such practices. This initiative will actively involve vulnerable groups, while also building a shared repository of knowledge to support ongoing development and growth.
Apply to implement a project on supporting micro-entrepreneurs to achieve more environmentally sustainable businesses!
The pilot action “Awards for inclusive energy communities – Recognising outstanding efforts to mainstream inclusivity in energy communities” encourages collaboration, knowledge exchange, and learning among energy communities. ACCTING recognizes and celebrates inclusive and innovative approaches that inspire others to adopt similar practices and principles. The objective is also to showcase and amplify the successes of best-practice energy communities, gaining media attention and serving as role models for other initiatives in the field. The fund will contribute to the growth and development of inclusive energy communities, driving the transition to a more sustainable and equitable energy future.
Apply to implement a project on recognising outstanding efforts to mainstream inclusivity in energy communities!
The pilot action, Hands-on small-scale support for vulnerable entrepreneurs – Supporting micro-entrepreneurs to achieve more environmentally sustainable businesses, aims to inspire vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs to adopt environmentally-friendly practices in their businesses. The objective is to provide them with support in attaining environmental sustainability while promoting the spirit of healthy competition through increasing their knowledge, skills and capacities.
Apply to implement a project on engaging citizens to document the biodiversity crisis!
The pilot action “Awards for inclusive energy communities – Recognising outstanding efforts to mainstream inclusivity in energy communities” encourages collaboration, knowledge exchange, and learning among energy communities. ACCTING recognizes and celebrates inclusive and innovative approaches that inspire others to adopt similar practices and principles. The objective is also to showcase and amplify the successes of best-practice energy communities, gaining media attention and serving as role models for other initiatives in the field. The fund will contribute to the growth and development of inclusive energy communities, driving the transition to a more sustainable and equitable energy future.
Apply to implement a project on engaging local communities to ensure improved disaster responses!
The pilot action “Next time better and more inclusive” – Engaging local communities to ensure improved disaster responses aims to facilitate participants in co-creating a scenario for managing a disaster using a bottom-up approach that involves all stakeholders, including citizens. The goal is to inform and induce behavioral change among actors from local communities as well as authorities. This pilot project will be implemented in a region that has recently experienced a sudden disaster. The objective is to reduce the risk of similar disasters in the future and improve disaster preparedness.
Apply for 32K € to implement a project that ensures an inclusive Green Deal!
ACCTING is launching a call to local authorities, non-profit organisations and collective representation bodies working in the areas of energy, mobility, food, disaster management or biodiversity, to implement a pilot project with potential to reduce or prevent inequalities and negative impacts of the Green Deal on poorer, marginalised and vulnerable groups.
Bring a poster to ACCTING’s Final Conference!
We are thrilled to invite poster abstract submissions for ACCTING’s Final Conference, “Empowering Change: Building a Fair and Inclusive read more
ACCTING project meeting: shaping the project’s final phase
The ACCTING project team gathered in Vienna for two days of in-depth discussions and workshops as we approach the final phase of the project. read more
SAVE THE DATE: ACCTING’s Final Conference
As the ACCTING project nears its conclusion, we’re thrilled to announce our Final Conference on 29 April 2025 at La Tricoterie in Brussels! read more
Call for Better Art Stories: Submit your artwork to inspire positive change
Join us in using art to inspire positive environmental and social transformations! Submit your artwork by 17 March 2025. read more
Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING’s final Open Studios
ACCTING Open Studios are workshops where participants come together to dive deep into specific topics related to the Green Deal. The ... read more
Online webinar: Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures
Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures Watch the replay! Vulnerable groups are significantly more impacted by the ... read more
Co-creating solutions for an inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING’s next set of Open Studios
As ACCTING continues to explore how the European Green Deal and its associated policies impact vulnerable groups, the project is ... read more
ACCTING Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding
Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding Online webinar on Tuesday 1 October 2024 11.00 - 12.30 CEST read more
Towards a fair and inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING Panel at Green Digital Accessibility 2024
Green Digital Accessibility 2024 Bridging Sustainability and Accessibilityin the Green Transition: Future Transformations in the ... read more
Co-creating Inclusive Climate Adaptation Solutions: ACCTING at EURESFO
In June ACCTING participated in the 11th European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) in Valencia, Spain, the 2024 European Green Capital. read more
Keep up to date with the latest project news, developments, and results.