The Living Lab Experiment at Griesplatz in Graz involves engaging local stakeholders in the smart redesign of the square, which plays a vital role as a traffic hub. This includes residents in the vicinity, cyclists, pedestrians, and marginalized groups. The EU project (Urban Europe) and the University of Graz facilitate the Living Lab which is the second oldest and largest in Austria. The initiative has a long-term Smart City Strategy that prioritizes mobility measures, such as public transport, e-mobility, and city logistics. The University of Technology Graz is also a project partner.
Clean Energy
Rethinking production and consumption
The Zero Waste Association aims to promote a zero-waste lifestyle by gathering local leaders, professionals, and change agents willing to participate in the organisation’s mission; transforming production and consumption patterns towards a circular economy. This enterprising idea suggests environmentally friendly solutions to fasten the just transition to a greener way of living for the benefit of the environment and the community.
Community-owned Wind Turbines for regional development
The local enterprise model for ownership of local wind turbines has been highly successful, enabling residents and local communities to be the driving force behind the shift to the usage of renewable energy in Europe. Denmark is on track to meet its 2050 goal of using only renewable energy sources for transportation, heating, and power. This future-oriented project has several advantages among these:
Energy saving checks to reduce poverty
Stromspar-Check (SSC) is a joint project by the Deutsche Caritasverb and the Association of Energy and Climate Protection Agencies in Germany.
Environmentally friendly energy production
Måbjerg BioEnergy is a project situated in Måbjerg, an area on the outskirts of Holstebro town in Western Denmark – one of Denmark’s most important agricultural areas.
From citizens’ initiative to energy cooperative
HagelandStroomt; a citizens-led initiative aimed to support SMEs in the province of Flemish Brabant in Belgium to implement energy-conserving measures and reduce their overall greenhouse gas emissions.
An emblematic example of combining agriculture and energy
Speranza Cooperative, an Italian organisation based in Candiolo, in the province of Turin, operates in the zoo-technical industry and offers its goods directly to the public.
Helping people and the environment move forward
Energiesnoeiers (‘Energy Cutters’) are companies in the social economy of Flanders that carry out energy scans and energy-conserving measures like insulation of walls/roofs, preferably in the homes of socially and financially vulnerable people.
Towards renewable forms of energy
LICHT, Local Initiative for a Cooperative Renewable Transition, is an ambitious energy community project in Leuven focusing on the residents’ transition to renewable forms of energy while striving for a healthy and sustainable city.
An innovative green municipality
Ii is an initiative aiming to lower dioxide emissions, recycle, prevent waste, and use resources responsibly within the limits of the earth’s capacity. Energy and climate work allow for cost savings, diversify the area’s economy and promote the well-being of locals and tourists.
New ACCTING factsheets: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal
As Europe works towards achieving climate neutrality, ensuring that Green Deal policies are inclusive is more critical than ever. ... read more

ACCTING webinar: Advancing Behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green Deal
Online Webinar Advancing Behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green Deal 18 March 202515:15-16:00 How can individuals in vulnerable ... read more

Bring a poster to ACCTING’s Final Conference!
We are thrilled to invite poster abstract submissions for ACCTING’s Final Conference, “Empowering Change: Building a Fair and Inclusive read more

ACCTING project meeting: shaping the project’s final phase
The ACCTING project team gathered in Vienna for two days of in-depth discussions and workshops as we approach the final phase of the project. read more

SAVE THE DATE: ACCTING’s Final Conference
As the ACCTING project nears its conclusion, we’re thrilled to announce our Final Conference on 29 April 2025 at La Tricoterie in Brussels! read more

Call for Better Art Stories: Submit your artwork to inspire positive change
Join us in using art to inspire positive environmental and social transformations! Submit your artwork by 17 March 2025. read more

Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING’s final Open Studios
ACCTING Open Studios are workshops where participants come together to dive deep into specific topics related to the Green Deal. The ... read more

Online webinar: Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures
Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures Watch the replay! Vulnerable groups are significantly more impacted by the ... read more

Co-creating solutions for an inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING’s next set of Open Studios
As ACCTING continues to explore how the European Green Deal and its associated policies impact vulnerable groups, the project is ... read more

ACCTING Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding
Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding Online webinar on Tuesday 1 October 2024 11.00 - 12.30 CEST read more
Keep up to date with the latest project news, developments, and results.