
Unlocking independence and integration for refugees

Unlocking independence and integration for refugees

#BIKEYGEES is a remarkable initiative that aims to empower refugee women and girls in Berlin by offering them free practical cycle training. The initiative also teaches German traffic rules and how to carry out basic bike repairs in different languages. They also give out bikes, helmets, maintenance tools, and locks to participating girls and women after passing a small theoretical exam, so they can leave the training self-sufficient.

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Revolutionizing mobility through ride-sharing benches

Revolutionizing mobility through ride-sharing benches

The ride-sharing bench is centrally located on the village street, inviting people to comfortably sit down and indicate their desire for a ride. Destination signs in five directional alternatives in the area, indicating where people want to go. By identifying the direction and destination of each bench’s occupant(s), drivers willing to give someone a ride can easily connect with them. The initiative is characterised by the positive feedback loop: The more benches are installed in different localities, the shorter the waiting time will be for people sitting on the benches and the larger the network of possible destinations becomes.

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New ACCTING factsheets: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal

As Europe works towards achieving climate neutrality, ensuring that Green Deal policies are inclusive is more critical than ever. ... read more

ACCTING webinar: Advancing Behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green Deal

ACCTING webinar: Advancing Behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green Deal

Online Webinar Advancing Behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green Deal 18 March 202515:15-16:00 How can individuals in vulnerable ... read more

Bring a poster to ACCTING’s Final Conference!

Bring a poster to ACCTING’s Final Conference!

We are thrilled to invite poster abstract submissions for ACCTING’s Final Conference, “Empowering Change: Building a Fair and Inclusive read more

ACCTING project meeting: shaping the project’s final phase

ACCTING project meeting: shaping the project’s final phase

The ACCTING project team gathered in Vienna for two days of in-depth discussions and workshops as we approach the final phase of the project. read more

SAVE THE DATE: ACCTING’s Final Conference

SAVE THE DATE: ACCTING’s Final Conference

As the ACCTING project nears its conclusion, we’re thrilled to announce our Final Conference on 29 April 2025 at La Tricoterie in Brussels! read more

Call for Better Art Stories: Submit your artwork to inspire positive change

Call for Better Art Stories: Submit your artwork to inspire positive change

Join us in using art to inspire positive environmental and social transformations! Submit your artwork by 17 March 2025. read more

Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING’s final Open Studios

Co-creating innovative solutions: ACCTING’s final Open Studios

ACCTING Open Studios are workshops where participants come together to dive deep into specific topics related to the Green Deal. The ... read more

Online webinar: Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures

Online webinar: Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures

Engaging vulnerable groups in building resilient futures Watch the replay! Vulnerable groups are significantly more impacted by the ... read more

Co-creating solutions for an inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING’s next set of Open Studios

Co-creating solutions for an inclusive Green Deal: ACCTING’s next set of Open Studios

As ACCTING continues to explore how the European Green Deal and its associated policies impact vulnerable groups, the project is ... read more

ACCTING Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding

ACCTING Webinar: Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding

Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Criteria for NGO Funding Online webinar on Tuesday 1 October 2024 11.00 - 12.30 CEST read more


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