Awards for inclusive energy communities
Are you an advocacy organisation, or an energy community working to forge networks across energy communities?
ACCTING is funding 10 innovative projects on specific topics that have high potential to reduce or prevent inequalities and negative impacts related to the Green Deal on poorer, marginalised and vulnerable groups. Up to €32,000 per pilot will be awarded – subject to costs motivation from applying parties – for projects which should last up to 12 months. The call for organisations to implement these projects is open until 8. September 2023.
The pilot action “Awards for inclusive energy communities – Recognising outstanding efforts to mainstream inclusivity in energy communities” encourages collaboration, knowledge exchange, and learning among energy communities. ACCTING recognizes and celebrates inclusive and innovative approaches that inspire others to adopt similar practices and principles. The objective is also to showcase and amplify the successes of best-practice energy communities, gaining media attention and serving as role models for other initiatives in the field. The fund will contribute to the growth and development of inclusive energy communities, driving the transition to a more sustainable and equitable energy future.
To be eligible, applicants must be located in the European Union or in one of the Horizon Europe Associated Countries.
For this specific call, we are looking for energy communities, advocacy organisations and international, national and regional networks of energy communities. Applicants must make sure they will have the necessary expertise or possible access to expertise, including:
- A commitment to working with or on behalf of vulnerable groups in energy communities
- Experience with all aspects of project development (budgeting, planning, implementation, and reporting)
- Experience with promoting or marketing energy communities or initiatives
- Familiarity with the unique challenges and strategies associated with community-based and inclusive initiatives, as well as a comprehensive understanding of how energy communities work
- A clear understanding of energy poverty as well as economics, social justice, and infrastructure that these communities are affected by
- A clear understanding of the local context, including cultural, economic, and geographic factors that affect energy communities and vulnerable groups
Read the call details and application procedure
Learn more about all calls for pilot projects on the Pilot actions page, in areas such as Biodiversity, Climate Action, Energy, Mobility and Food.
Don’t miss out on this chance to make a difference! Apply now and let’s shape the future of energy communities!