ACCTING aims to understand the impact of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, prevent inequalities, and produce knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change at individual and collective levels for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal. This bottom-up initiative was collected within the Food Security research line. Read our report on all 693 mapped initiatives.
MindFood, UK
MindFood is an organisation that offers the opportunity to engage in food-growing activities (among other pursuits) to people struggling with mental health issues, with the goal of making edible gardening more inclusive and accessible, while being supportive of people’s overall (mental) wellbeing.
Based in West London, the initiative engages in ecotherapy with people who either signed up themselves or were referred by a GP. The main activity that is offered consists of a six-week course consisting of weekly sessions that aim to reduce depression, stress and anxiety through edible gardening.
After involvement in the programme, most participants are found to have implemented positive changes in their diets, and to display increases in (self-reported) wellbeing and physical health measurements.
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