ACCTING Webinar: Building resilience to natural disasters

Apr 14, 2024Blog, Events, Project news

Building resilience to natural disasters:

Valorising local communities
and solidarity networks

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Based on insights developed in ACCTING research activities and experience from related projects and initiatives, this webinar explores the vital role of local communities and indigenous knowledge in responding to natural disasters and preserving ecosystems.

Webinar agenda


Presentation of ACCTING findings:

– Research insights on the role of local communities in responding to natural disasters and preserving ecosystems
James White (Örebro University)

– On-the-ground perspectives and existing responses to natural disasters such as floods
Italy: Gabriele Quinti (Knowledge & Innovation), Raffaella Giorgi and Lucia Cavina (Municipality of Florence Civil Protection)
Turkey: Esin Düzel (Sabancı Üniversitesi)

– Policy recommendations to better value indigenous and local knowledge in disaster management and nature protection
Felix Gajdusek (Centre for Social Innovation ZSI)

Open discussion and perspectives from the GreenSCENT project  


We are delighted that this webinar has been selected as an EU Green Week partner event. Find out more about the programme of the EU Green Week 2024.

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