Food4Schools: A toolkit to inspire healthy and sustainable food initiatives in schools
Food4Schools is a project led by Mamagea, in response to ACCTING’s call for pilots Food Everywhere Toolkit. This call aims to help shape the food choices of future generations by making healthy and sustainable food available everywhere in schools.
Mamagea is an environmental organisation based in Thessaloniki, Greece, aiming at improving the natural and social environment. It envisions green and sustainable cities with active and participatory neighbourhoods.
The project will investigate the current situation regarding sustainable food in the schools of Thessaloniki and proposes realistic ways of implementing the Farm To Fork Strategy through participatory processes, where the participants actively share experiences, ideas, map difficulties and propose solutions.

The Food4Schools project aims at creating the framework and procedures needed for the implementation of the Farm to Fork strategy at a local level and specifically in schools of the wider area of Thessaloniki and Central Macedonia.
The main project’s activity will be the creation of a toolkit, resulting from the following:
- desk research and data analysis
- five participatory workshops
- local action plan
Expected impact
The curriculum and educational material of the toolkit will include specific steps and actions with many examples, methodologies and hands-on practices capable of adaptation in all primary schools in Greece. By including parents in the school’s life (in both educational and operational level) a domino effect will be created, spreading sustainable food culture at home and beyond.