Call for poster submissions
Bring a poster to ACCTING’s Final Conference!
We are thrilled to invite poster submissions for our final event titled “Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal”!
The conference will highlight environmental and social initiatives that address involve society and more specifically vulnerable groups to adapt their behaviour to climate change in the context of the Green Deal.
What’s in it for you?
- Share your project/initiative with an international audience.
- Engage in meaningful discussions about the impact of Green Deal policies on vulnerable populations
- Showcase knowledge, tools, and innovations that support an inclusive and equitable European Green Deal
This is a great opportunity for projects and initiatives to gain visibility and connect with policymakers, CSOs, researchers, and other key stakeholders. We also warmly encourage colleagues from EU projects to present their tools, measures, outputs, and results addressing the inclusion of vulnerable groups within the European Green Deal framework.
Submissions should align with the overarching theme of the conference, illustrating how inclusive environmental and social initiatives contribute to building a fairer, more sustainable Europe. We particularly encourage submissions on topics aligning with our conference sessions.
Abstract guidelines
Abstracts of approx. 500 words should be submitted in English and include:
- A concise title that reflects the focus of the project
- An overview of the project beneficiaries and objectives
- A reference to the Green Deal priority it tackles
- A brief description of the methodology, key insights and innovation
Abstracts will undergo a peer-reviewed process.
Please note that presenters are required to register (free of charge) for their attendance at the conference.
Poster guidelines
Use A1 size, portrait orientation.
Visual Accessibility
Choose simple, readable fonts with text no smaller than 24pt and headings at least 36pt. Maintain high text-to-background contrast. Use colour schemes accessible to individuals with colour vision deficiencies (see tools like Color Oracle or color contrast checkers).
Ensure high-resolution images and use properly licensed or royalty-free images with credits.
Use respectful and culturally sensitive language (see the “Toolbox for Gender-Neutral, Diversity-Oriented Institutional Communication” for guidance).
Organise sections clearly and use subheadings and bullet points for clarity.
Include your contact details and website prominently for follow-up discussions.
Attendance Requirement
Please ensure a representative attends the conference to present the poster. Registration is required.
Important dates
17 March 2025
Deadline for poster submissions
11 April 2025
Deadline for registrations
29 April 2025
Final Conference in Brussels
Keep up to date with the latest project news, developments, and results.